Garbage Monitoring

IOT Based Dumpster Monitoring using Arduino & ESP8266


In this IOT Project, an Ultrasonic Sensor is used for detecting whether the trash can is filled with garbage or not. Here Ultrasonic Sensor is installed at the top of Trash Can and will measure the distance of garbage from the top of Trash can and we can set a threshold value according to the size of trash can. If the distance will be less than this threshold value, means that the Trash can is full of garbage and we will print the message “Basket is Full” on the webpage and if the distance will be more than this threshold value, then we will print the message “Basket is Empty”. Here we have set the Threshold value of 5cm in the Program code. We will use ESP8266 Wi-Fi module for connecting the Arduino to the webserver. Here we have used Local webserver to demonstrate the working of this Garbage Monitoring System.


Components Required:

  • Arduino Uno (you can use any other)
  • ESP8266 Wi-Fi module
  • HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor
  • 1K Resistors
  • Breadboard
  • Connecting wires