Student Attendance Alert Message To Parents.

Student Attendance Alert Message to Parents Using RFID & GSM Based

Recently, crime against children is increasing at a higher rate and it is high time to offer a safety system for the children going to school. When a child does not come to school it is very important to inform the parents. Time can be critical, as small children may get in trouble and help should come quickly.

It is the responsibility of the school management to inform the parents in time whether their child is present or absent. However, this is not easy to do this manually by typing and sending alert messages to parents. So, the suitable solution for this problem is to design an automatic messaging system. Each student is given an RFID card, when the student swipes a card a message is sent to their parents. This way the parents can know whether their child is present or absent. So in this episode, you will learn how to make an automatic parents alert messaging system using Arduino, MFRC522 RFID module, 16×2 LCD and a GSM SIM900A module.

Circuit Diagram :-

Code :-


  1. sir i have a question ? i am actually making a attendance system but i am using both excel & gsm module to store & send the the attendance will this project work ? i want some suggestions please help me .
