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Arduino And Gsm Based Mobile Phone
Just Do Electronics
April 08, 2020
Circuit Diagram :-
Code :-
//Prateek //www.prateeks.in #include
SoftwareSerial Serial1(2, 3); // RX, TX #include
LiquidCrystal lcd(9,8,7,6,5,4); byte back[8] = { 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b11111, 0b10101, 0b11011, 0b11111, 0b00000, 0b00000 }; String number=""; String msg=""; String instr=""; String str_sms=""; String str1=""; int ring=0; int i=0,temp=0; int sms_flag=0; char sms_num[3]; int rec_read=0; int temp1=0; #include
const byte ROWS = 4; //four rows const byte COLS = 4; //four columns char hexaKeys[ROWS][COLS] = { {'1','2','3','A'}, {'4','5','6','B'}, {'7','8','9','C'}, {'*','0','#','D'} }; byte rowPins[ROWS] = {10, 11, 12, 13}; //connect to the row pinouts of the keypad byte colPins[COLS] = {14, 15, 16, 17}; //connect to the column pinouts of the keypad //initialize an instance of class NewKeypad Keypad customKeypad = Keypad( makeKeymap(hexaKeys), rowPins, colPins, ROWS, COLS); String ch="1,.?!@abc2def3ghi4jkl5mno6pqrs7tuv8wxyz90 "; void setup() { Serial1.begin(9600); lcd.begin(16,2); lcd.createChar(1, back); lcd.print("Simple Mobile "); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print("System Ready.."); delay(1000); gsm_init(); lcd.clear(); lcd.print("System Ready"); delay(2000); } void loop() { serialEvent(); if(sms_flag==1) { lcd.clear(); lcd.print("New Message"); int ind=instr.indexOf("+CMTI: \"SM\","); ind+=12; int k=0; lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print(ind); while(1) { while(instr[ind]!= 0x0D) { sms_num[k++]=instr[ind++]; } break; } ind=0; sms_flag=0; lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print("Read SMS --> D"); delay(4000); instr=""; rec_read=1; temp1=1; i=0; } if(ring == 1) { number=""; int loc=instr.indexOf("+CLIP: \""); if(loc > 0) { number+=instr.substring(loc+8,loc+13+8); } lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("Incomming... "); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print(number); instr=""; i=0; } else { serialEvent(); lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("Call --> C "); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print("SMS --> B "); if(rec_read==1) { lcd.write(1); lcd.print(" "); } else lcd.print(" "); } char key=customKeypad.getKey(); if(key) { if(key== 'A') { if(ring==1) { Serial1.println("ATA"); delay(5000); } } else if(key=='C') { call(); } else if(key=='B') { sms(); } else if(key == 'D' && temp1==1) { rec_read=0; lcd.clear(); lcd.print("Please wait..."); Serial1.print("AT+CMGR="); Serial1.println(sms_num); int sms_read_flag=1; str_sms=""; while(sms_read_flag) { while(Serial1.available()>0) { char ch=Serial1.read(); str_sms+=ch; if(str_sms.indexOf("OK")>0) { sms_read_flag=0; //break; } } } int l1=str_sms.indexOf("\"\r\n"); int l2=str_sms.indexOf("OK"); String sms=str_sms.substring(l1+3,l2-4); lcd.clear(); lcd.print(sms); delay(5000); } delay(1000); } } void call() { number=""; lcd.clear(); lcd.print("After Enter No."); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print("Press C to Call"); delay(2000); lcd.clear(); lcd.print("Enter Number:"); lcd.setCursor(0,1); while(1) { serialEvent(); char key=customKeypad.getKey(); if(key) { if(key=='C') { lcd.clear(); lcd.print("Calling........"); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print(number); Serial1.print("ATD"); Serial1.print(number); Serial1.println(";"); long stime=millis()+5000; int ans=1; while(ans==1) { while(Serial1.available()>0) { if(Serial1.find("OK")) { lcd.clear(); lcd.print("Ringing...."); int l=0; str1=""; while(ans==1) { while(Serial1.available()>0) { char ch=Serial1.read(); str1+=ch; if(str1.indexOf("NO CARRIER")>0) { lcd.clear(); lcd.print("Call End"); delay(2000); ans=0; return; } } char key=customKeypad.getKey(); if(key == 'D') { lcd.clear(); lcd.print("Call End"); delay(2000); ans=0; return; } if(ans==0) break; } } } } } else { number+=key; lcd.print(key); } } } } void sms() { lcd.clear(); lcd.print("Initilising SMS"); Serial1.println("AT+CMGF=1"); delay(400); lcd.clear(); lcd.print("After Enter No."); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print("Press D "); delay(2000); lcd.clear(); lcd.print("Enter Rcpt No.:"); lcd.setCursor(0,1); Serial1.print("AT+CMGS=\""); while(1) { serialEvent(); char key=customKeypad.getKey(); if(key) { if(key=='D') { //number+='"'; Serial1.println("\""); break; } else { //number+=key; Serial1.print(key); lcd.print(key); } } } lcd.clear(); lcd.print("After Enter MSG "); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print("Press D to Send "); delay(2000); lcd.clear(); lcd.print("Enter Your Msg"); delay(1000); lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0,0); alfakey(); } void alfakey() { int x=0,y=0; int num=0; while(1) { lcd.cursor(); char key=customKeypad.getKey(); if(key) { if(key=='1') { num=0; lcd.setCursor(x,y); lcd.print(ch[num]); for(int i=0;i<3000;i++) { lcd.noCursor(); char key=customKeypad.getKey(); if(key=='1') { num++; if(num>5) num=0; lcd.setCursor(x,y); lcd.print(ch[num]); i=0; delay(200); } } x++; if(x>15) { x=0; y++; y%=2; } msg+=ch[num]; } else if(key=='2') { num=6; lcd.setCursor(x,y); lcd.print(ch[num]); for(int i=0;i<3000;i++) { lcd.noCursor(); char key=customKeypad.getKey(); if(key=='2') { num++; if(num>9) num=6; lcd.setCursor(x,y); lcd.print(ch[num]); i=0; delay(200); } } x++; if(x>15) { x=0; y++; y%=2; } msg+=ch[num]; } else if(key=='3') { num=10; lcd.setCursor(x,y); lcd.print(ch[num]); for(int i=0;i<3000;i++) { lcd.noCursor(); char key=customKeypad.getKey(); if(key=='3') { num++; if(num>13) num=10; lcd.setCursor(x,y); lcd.print(ch[num]); i=0; delay(200); } } x++; if(x>15) { x=0; y++; y%=2; } msg+=ch[num]; } else if(key=='4') { num=14; lcd.setCursor(x,y); lcd.print(ch[num]); for(int i=0;i<3000;i++) { lcd.noCursor(); char key=customKeypad.getKey(); if(key=='4') { num++; if(num>17) num=14; lcd.setCursor(x,y); lcd.print(ch[num]); i=0; delay(200); } } x++; if(x>15) { x=0; y++; y%=2; } msg+=ch[num]; } else if(key=='5') { num=18; lcd.setCursor(x,y); lcd.print(ch[num]); for(int i=0;i<3000;i++) { lcd.noCursor(); char key=customKeypad.getKey(); if(key=='5') { num++; if(num>21) num=18; lcd.setCursor(x,y); lcd.print(ch[num]); i=0; delay(200); } } x++; if(x>15) { x=0; y++; y%=2; } msg+=ch[num]; } else if(key=='6') { num=22; lcd.setCursor(x,y); lcd.print(ch[num]); for(int i=0;i<3000;i++) { lcd.noCursor(); char key=customKeypad.getKey(); if(key=='6') { num++; if(num>25) num=22; lcd.setCursor(x,y); lcd.print(ch[num]); i=0; delay(200); } } x++; if(x>15) { x=0; y++; y%=2; } msg+=ch[num]; } else if(key=='7') { num=26; lcd.setCursor(x,y); lcd.print(ch[num]); for(int i=0;i<3000;i++) { lcd.noCursor(); char key=customKeypad.getKey(); if(key=='7') { num++; if(num>30) num=26; lcd.setCursor(x,y); lcd.print(ch[num]); i=0; delay(200); } } x++; if(x>15) { x=0; y++; y%=2; } msg+=ch[num]; } else if(key=='8') { num=31; lcd.setCursor(x,y); lcd.print(ch[num]); for(int i=0;i<3000;i++) { lcd.noCursor(); char key=customKeypad.getKey(); if(key=='8') { num++; if(num>34) num=31; lcd.setCursor(x,y); lcd.print(ch[num]); i=0; delay(200); } } x++; if(x>15) { x=0; y++; y%=2; } msg+=ch[num]; } else if(key=='9') { num=35; lcd.setCursor(x,y); lcd.print(ch[num]); for(int i=0;i<3000;i++) { lcd.noCursor(); char key=customKeypad.getKey(); if(key=='9') { num++; if(num>39) num=35; lcd.setCursor(x,y); lcd.print(ch[num]); i=0; delay(200); } } x++; if(x>15) { x=0; y++; y%=2; } msg+=ch[num]; } else if(key=='0') { num=40; lcd.setCursor(x,y); lcd.print(ch[num]); for(int i=0;i<3000;i++) { lcd.noCursor(); char key=customKeypad.getKey(); if(key=='0') { num++; if(num>41) num=40; lcd.setCursor(x,y); lcd.print(ch[num]); i=0; delay(200); } } x++; if(x>15) { x=0; y++; y%=2; } msg+=ch[num]; } else if(key=='D') { lcd.clear(); lcd.print("Sending SMS...."); // Serial1.print("AT+CMGS="); // Serial1.print(number); // delay(2000); Serial1.print(msg); Serial1.write(26); delay(5000); lcd.clear(); lcd.print("SMS Sent to"); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print(number); delay(2000); number=""; break; } } } } void send_data(String message) { Serial1.println(message); delay(200); } void send_sms() { Serial1.write(26); } void lcd_status() { lcd.setCursor(2,1); lcd.print("Message Sent"); delay(2000); //lcd.setCursor() //lcd.print("") //return; } void back_button() { //lcd.setCursor(0,15); } void ok_button() { lcd.setCursor(0,4); lcd.print("OK"); } void call_button() { lcd.setCursor(0,4); lcd.print("CALL"); } void sms_button() { lcd.setCursor(0,13); lcd.print("SMS"); } void gsm_init() { lcd.clear(); lcd.print("Finding Module.."); boolean at_flag=1; while(at_flag) { Serial1.println("AT"); while(Serial1.available()>0) { if(Serial1.find("OK")) at_flag=0; } delay(1000); } lcd.clear(); lcd.print("Module Connected.."); delay(1000); lcd.clear(); lcd.print("Disabling ECHO"); boolean echo_flag=1; while(echo_flag) { Serial1.println("ATE1"); while(Serial1.available()>0) { if(Serial1.find("OK")) echo_flag=0; } delay(1000); } lcd.clear(); lcd.print("Echo OFF"); delay(1000); lcd.clear(); lcd.print("Finding Network.."); boolean net_flag=1; while(net_flag) { Serial1.println("AT+CPIN?"); while(Serial1.available()>0) { if(Serial1.find("+CPIN: READY")) net_flag=0; } delay(1000); } lcd.clear(); lcd.print("Network Found.."); delay(1000); lcd.clear(); } void serialEvent() { while(Serial1.available()) { char ch=Serial1.read(); instr+=ch; i++; if(instr[i-4] == 'R' && instr[i-3] == 'I' && instr[i-2] == 'N' && instr[i-1] == 'G' ) { ring=1; } if(instr.indexOf("NO CARRIER")>=0) { ring=0; i=0; } if(instr.indexOf("+CMTI: \"SM\"")>=0) { sms_flag=1; } } }
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