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Build Your Own Gps Tracking System using Arduino
Just Do Electronics
December 18, 2021
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//Prateek //wwww.prateeks.in //https://www.youtube.com/c/JustDoElectronics/videos #include
const String PHONE = "+918830584864"; #define rxPin 11 #define txPin 10 SoftwareSerial sim800(rxPin, txPin); AltSoftSerial neogps; TinyGPSPlus gps; String sms_status, sender_number, received_date, msg; boolean ignition_status = false; boolean tracking_status = false; boolean reply_status = true; //not completely implemented boolean anti_theft = false; unsigned long previousMillis = 0; // last time update long interval = 60000; // interval at which to do something (milliseconds) void setup() { delay(7000); Serial.begin(115200); sim800.begin(9600); neogps.begin(9600); Serial.println("neogps Software serial initialize"); sms_status = ""; sender_number = ""; received_date = ""; msg = ""; sim800.print("AT+CMGF=1\r"); //SMS text mode delay(1000); } void loop() { ignition_status = getIgnitionStatus(); if (tracking_status == true && ignition_status == true) { unsigned long currentMillis = millis(); if (currentMillis - previousMillis > interval) { previousMillis = currentMillis; sendGpsToServer(); } } while (sim800.available()) { parseData(sim800.readString()); } while (Serial.available()) { sim800.println(Serial.readString()); } } void parseData(String buff) { Serial.println(buff); unsigned int len, index; index = buff.indexOf("\r"); buff.remove(0, index + 2); buff.trim(); if (buff != "OK") { index = buff.indexOf(":"); String cmd = buff.substring(0, index); cmd.trim(); buff.remove(0, index + 2); if (cmd == "+CMTI") { index = buff.indexOf(","); String temp = buff.substring(index + 1, buff.length()); temp = "AT+CMGR=" + temp + "\r"; sim800.println(temp); } else if (cmd == "+CMGR") { extractSms(buff); if (sender_number == PHONE) { //Serial.println("doAction"); doAction(); //deleteSms(); } } } else { //The result of AT Command is "OK" } } void extractSms(String buff) { unsigned int index; Serial.println(buff); index = buff.indexOf(","); sms_status = buff.substring(1, index - 1); buff.remove(0, index + 2); sender_number = buff.substring(0, 13); buff.remove(0, 19); received_date = buff.substring(0, 20); buff.remove(0, buff.indexOf("\r")); buff.trim(); index = buff.indexOf("\n\r"); buff = buff.substring(0, index); buff.trim(); msg = buff; buff = ""; msg.toLowerCase(); Serial.println("----------------------------------"); Serial.println(sms_status); Serial.println(sender_number); Serial.println(received_date); Serial.println(msg); Serial.println("----------------------------------"); } void doAction() { if (msg == "find location") { sendSmsGPS("Location"); } else if (msg == "anti theft on") { anti_theft = true; if (reply_status == true) { sendSms("Someone Trying to start your bike"); sendSms("Bike Has OFF"); } } else if (msg == "anti theft off") { anti_theft = false; if (reply_status == true) { sendSms("Anti-Theft has OFF"); } else if (msg == "reply on") { reply_status = true; sendSms("Reply has ON"); } else if (msg == "reply off") { reply_status = false; } } else if (msg == "tracking on") { tracking_status = true; if (reply_status == true) { sendSms("Live Tracking has ON"); } } //yet to be implemented else if (msg == "tracking off") { tracking_status = false; if (reply_status == true) { sendSms("Live Tracking has OFF"); } } else if (msg == "tracking status") { if (tracking_status == false) { sendSms("Live Tracking has OFF"); } else { sendSms("Live Tracking has ON"); } } sms_status = ""; sender_number = ""; received_date = ""; msg = ""; } void deleteSms() { sendATcommand("AT+CMGD=1,4", "OK", 2000); Serial.println("All SMS are deleted."); } void sendSmsGPS(String text) { // Can take up to 60 seconds boolean newData = false; for (unsigned long start = millis(); millis() - start < 2000;) { while (neogps.available()) { if (gps.encode(neogps.read())) { newData = true; } } } if (newData) //If newData is true { float flat, flon; unsigned long age; Serial.print("Latitude= "); Serial.print(gps.location.lat(), 6); Serial.print(" Longitude= "); Serial.println(gps.location.lng(), 6); newData = false; delay(300); ///* sim800.print("AT+CMGF=1\r"); delay(1000); sim800.print("AT+CMGS=\"" + PHONE + "\"\r"); delay(1000); sim800.print("http://maps.google.com/maps?q=loc:"); sim800.print(gps.location.lat(), 6); sim800.print(","); sim800.print(gps.location.lng(), 6); delay(100); sim800.write(0x1A); delay(1000); } } void sendSms(String text) { sim800.print("AT+CMGF=1\r"); delay(1000); sim800.print("AT+CMGS=\"" + PHONE + "\"\r"); delay(1000); sim800.print(text); delay(100); sim800.write(0x1A); delay(1000); Serial.println("SMS Sent Successfully."); } int8_t sendATcommand(char* ATcommand, char* expected_answer, unsigned int timeout) { uint8_t x = 0, answer = 0; char response[100]; unsigned long previous; memset(response, '\0', 100); // Initialice the string delay(100); while ( sim800.available() > 0) sim800.read(); // Clean the input buffer if (ATcommand[0] != '\0') { sim800.println(ATcommand); // Send the AT command } x = 0; previous = millis(); // this loop waits for the answer do { if (sim800.available() != 0) { response[x] = sim800.read(); //Serial.print(response[x]); x++; if (strstr(response, expected_answer) != NULL) { answer = 1; } } } while ((answer == 0) && ((millis() - previous) < timeout)); return answer; } boolean getIgnitionStatus() { float val = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { } val = val / 10; //Serial.println(val); if (val > 90) { return true; } else if (val < 50) { return false; } } void setIgnition() { ignition_status = getIgnitionStatus; if (ignition_status == false) { sim800.print("AT"); sendATcommand("AT+CSCLK=0", "OK", 1000); } else if (ignition_status == true) { sendATcommand("AT+CSCLK=2", "OK", 1000); } } int sendGpsToServer() { }
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20 April 2023 at 07:16
these libraries are not available
how to add these libraries?
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these libraries are not available
how to add these libraries?