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Esp32 Project
Digital Temperature Monitoring System
Just Do Electronics
August 20, 2022
Circuit Diagram :-
Component List :-
1. Arduino Nano
2. 16x2 LCD Display
3. 10k Potentiometer
4. Green LED
5. 4 Push Button
6. 4.7 Kohm Resistor
7. DS18B20 Digital Tempature Sensor
8. Zero PCB
Code :-
//Prateek //www.prateeks.in #include
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7); int add_chk = 0; int check_val = 3; int c_temp = 0; int c_temp_add = 1; int f_temp = 0; int f_temp_add = 2; int set = A3, dec = A2, inc = A1, stsp = A0; int numberOfDevices; int relay = 5; int buzzer = 6; int val_tol = 0; bool exit_stsp = false; bool exit_set = false; bool buz = true; bool re_heat = false; #define ONE_WIRE_BUS 3 // Pin no #define TEMPERATURE_PRECISION 12 OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS); DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire); DeviceAddress tempDeviceAddress; const int tol = 3; // in degree Celsius void setup(void) { lcd.begin(16, 2); sensors.begin(); pinMode(stsp, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(inc, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(dec, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(set, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(relay, OUTPUT); pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(relay, LOW); digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW); lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(" Temperature "); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(" Controller"); numberOfDevices = sensors.getDeviceCount(); if (EEPROM.read(add_chk) != check_val) { EEPROM.write(add_chk, check_val); EEPROM.write(c_temp_add, 50); f_temp = f_conv(50); EEPROM.write(f_temp_add, f_temp); c_temp = EEPROM.read(c_temp_add); f_temp = EEPROM.read(f_temp_add); } else { c_temp = EEPROM.read(c_temp_add); f_temp = EEPROM.read(f_temp_add); } delay(1500); } void loop(void) { lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("PRESS START/SET"); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("TEMP: "); lcd.print(EEPROM.read(c_temp_add)); lcd.print("C/"); lcd.print(EEPROM.read(f_temp_add)); lcd.print("F"); if (digitalRead(set) == LOW && exit_set == false) { exit_set = true; c_temp = EEPROM.read(c_temp_add); f_temp = EEPROM.read(f_temp_add); while (exit_set) { if (digitalRead(inc) == LOW) { c_temp += 1; if (c_temp > 110) c_temp = 0; f_temp = f_conv(c_temp); delay(50); } if (digitalRead(dec) == LOW) { c_temp -= 1; if (c_temp < 0) c_temp = 110; f_temp = f_conv(c_temp); delay(50); } lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("SET TEMPERATURE:"); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.print(c_temp); lcd.print("C/"); lcd.print(f_temp); lcd.print("F"); delay(150); if (digitalRead(set) == LOW) { delay(500); if (digitalRead(set) == LOW) { exit_set = false; if (EEPROM.read(c_temp_add) == c_temp) { lcd.clear(); lcd.print("VALUE UNCHANGED!"); delay(1500); } else { EEPROM.write(c_temp_add, c_temp); EEPROM.write(f_temp_add, f_temp); lcd.clear(); lcd.print(" VALUE SAVED!"); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("****************"); delay(1500); lcd.clear(); } } } } } if (digitalRead(stsp) == LOW && exit_stsp == false) { exit_stsp = true; lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("SET: "); lcd.print(EEPROM.read(c_temp_add)); lcd.print("C/"); lcd.print(EEPROM.read(f_temp_add)); lcd.print("F"); buzz(); digitalWrite(relay, HIGH); while (exit_stsp) { sensors.requestTemperatures(); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfDevices; i++) { if (sensors.getAddress(tempDeviceAddress, i)) { printTemperature(tempDeviceAddress); } } lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("TEMP: "); lcd.print(c_temp); lcd.print("C/"); lcd.print(f_temp); if (f_temp < 100) { lcd.print("F "); } else { lcd.print("F"); } if (c_temp >= EEPROM.read(c_temp_add) && buz == true) { delay(5000); if (c_temp >= EEPROM.read(c_temp_add)) { digitalWrite(relay, LOW); buz = false; re_heat = true; for (int j = 0; j < 15; j++) { digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH); delay(100); digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW); delay(100); } } } val_tol = EEPROM.read(c_temp_add) - tol; if (c_temp <= val_tol && re_heat == true) { buz = true; re_heat = false; digitalWrite(relay, HIGH); } if (digitalRead(stsp) == LOW && exit_stsp == true) { delay(1500); if (digitalRead(stsp) == LOW) { digitalWrite(relay, LOW); exit_stsp = false; lcd.clear(); lcd.print("PROCESS STOPPED!"); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("****************"); buzz(); delay(500); lcd.clear(); break; } } } } }
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